Are you tired of feeling like the “Warden,” always handing out punishment, taking away their tablet time, giving them “time-out.” Yeah, we’ve all been there.
The child doesn’t even really realize that their behavior is the problem, you are the problem, always making them unhappy. You feel like the bad guy. Don’t worry, we watch what we do turn kids around in a matter of weeks. It’s called a reward system, but it’s better if you do it too.
Much of the time, a punishment system can be turned into a reward system by a simple change of words.
“That’s it, I’m going to tell Grandmaster you were disrespectful and that you don’t deserve your next belt stripe!”
Wow, that sounds harsh and now your kid is mad at you. This is your fault, at least that is what it seems like in their mind. Now try this…
“I’m so looking forward to you earning your next stripe on your belt, getting ready for your next belt. You aren’t going to make it so I can’t sign off on your stripe form are you? Grandmaster wants to know if you have been respectful at home.”
Now they realize their actions have consequences, you are on their team, on their side and want them to earn their stripe and belt. This is accountability.
This form on this page is available from us to use as a tool to encourage whatever behavior goals you wish. We customize this form for people all the time and are happy to provide it for you as well.
Let us know your behavior goals and we’ll make one for you. Use it weekly, monthly or quarterly, however you need it.