As you may have seen, accusations have been made against Brennon. Every person accused in such a case has a court order to not be around juveniles. We are complying with the order of the court. Legally, we cannot discuss the allegations or their validity.
As we learned in the Johnny Depp case, allegations can be made about anyone.
I’m sure every grocery store and every restaurant has employees who are accused of things outside of work (that they may not even have done), that grocery store or restaurant may have let them go for, but you still go to the grocery and restaurants.
I’ve had dozens of employees in my 42 years of teaching. I’ve seen teenage students get crushes on them constantly. Our current team, Jannel Thompson, Mr. Noah Worden, Mr. Edward Richards, Miss Brooklyn Jackson and I teach all the classes and people have said this past week that they are some of the best classes that they have been in yet.
You and your children are safe here, they are never alone with a staff member, your kids are never out of your sight, and they are always on camera in our training hall. We do all of this on purpose and have always done so, specifically so we can reassure you, as well as easily disprove any allegations. Even our Summer camp has cameras the parents can access 24/7.
We appreciate the massive outpouring of support you have shown towards our team and my family. This is very difficult for all of us, but all of your support helps us through, thank you.
If you have questions, just ask. We will see you in class.
GM Brown