New Black Belts, You Could Be Next!

Martial Arts in Bradenton

This is Eric and Sarah Van Zytveld, you’ve probably seen them around, but they are more than just karate parents, this Saturday, they earned their own First Degree Black Belts.

New Black Belts, You Could Be Next! | AWMA

Years ago, they enrolled their son Samuel. His impulse control and confidence are much better thanks to the training and we look forward to him earning his Black Belt too.

Sarah figured since they are here watching all the time, they may as well do class with him and pretty quickly, fell in love with the workout and the confidence that comes from being able to defend her self. She realized too, she couldn’t quit now, it would be the wrong example for Samuel. Eric started too and not long after that, they all upgraded to Wolf Pack, they love the weapons training and Jiu Jitsu.

Here we are, 4 years later, and Sarah says they are in the best shape of their lives. I am super excited to teach them the Black Belt material and all of Ancient Ways is honored to have their family as dedicated students and Black Belts.

Make sure to congratulate them on a fantastic job well done.

Oh, just as a hint, in case you missed it from Sarah. You’re sitting here too, watching your child (or playing on your phone) and there is no reason you can’t do this too. Don’t let your excuses hold you back from your true potential. Ask about our Family Plan and get started today!